Logging guide

If there's a problem with your plugin, it's useful to have some indicators in place that help you locate the cause of the problem. You can achieve this by implementing logs. You can also use logs to provide the user with other useful information.

Logs are written to the Data log. For further information on configuration and search options, refer to the Data log page of the plentymarkets manual.
In the case of a plugin, the Integration is the namespace of the plugin. The Identifier is the function that implements the logging.

Further reading


Logs are registered in a ServiceProvider. Once registered, they can be called on in a Controller.

The ServiceProvider has to import and use the Plenty\Log\Services\ReferenceContainer service. You should also import and use Plenty\Log\Exceptions\ReferenceTypeException to catch exceptions on registration.

            namespace PluginNameSpace\Providers;

            use Plenty\Plugin\ServiceProvider;
            use Plenty\Log\Services\ReferenceContainer;
            use Plenty\Log\Exceptions\ReferenceTypeException;

            class MyServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
                public function register()
                public function boot(ReferenceContainer $referenceContainer)
                    // Register reference types for logs.
                        $referenceContainer->add([ 'myLogReference' => 'myLogReference' ]); // reference is optional
                    catch(ReferenceTypeException $ex)


After registering the reference, you can call on it in a Controller. The Controller has to import and use Plenty\Plugin\Log\Loggable.

                namespace PluginNameSpace\Providers;
                use Plenty\Plugin\Controller;
                use Plenty\Plugin\Log\Loggable;
                class MyController extends Controller
                    use Loggable;
                    public function doSomething ()

                            ->logLevel('PluginNameSpace::message', [additionalInformation]); // additional information is optional
                            ->setReferenceType('myLogReference') // optional
                            ->setReferenceValue($myBusinessAction->getActionId()) // optional

Each log has the following properties:

Property Description
Log level

The level associated with the log. The following levels are available, in order of severity from highest to lowest:

  • emergency: The system is unusable.
  • alert: Requires immediate action.
  • critical: Requires action.
  • error: Runtime error that doesn't require immediate action, but should be monitored.
  • warning: Exceptional occurrences not associated with an error.
  • notice: Noteworthy, but regular events.
  • info: Regular information.
  • debug: Detailed debug information.
  • report: Regular process information. For further details, see the Reporting section.

Report information, as well as the log levels error and above are activated by default. Other log levels have to be activated in the log settings. required

Message Detailed information on the logged event. For the log levels warning and below, the message has to be available in English and German. required
setReferenceType Provides a filter option for log entries. Has to be unique. optional
setReferenceValue Provides a second level filter option for a reference type, for example a specific ID. optional


Reporting is a special form of logging used for providing information about expected events. For example, you may want to inform the user every time at the end of every order import process how many new orders were imported or skipped.

Reporting is implemented similarly to logging. The only difference is that the Controller imports and uses Plenty\Plugin\Log\Reportable instead of Plenty\Plugin\Log\Loggable.

report level logs are activated in the data log by default.

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