Making a theme ShopBuilder compatible

You can make your theme compatible with the Shopbuilder with only a few adjustments. You should make sure that the scripts and styles of the ShopBuilder are loaded in the theme and that you provide several Ceres LayoutContainers in there as well. For information on how to create widgets for the ShopBuilder, see this tutorial.


{{ get_shop_builder_styles() }}
{{ get_shop_builder_scripts() }}

General info

The ShopBuilder works with 3 different areas where widgets can be placed: the homepage, the header and the footer. Each of these three areas requires the integration of a LayoutContainer. In this container, a dropzone is initialised and all of the widgets that are already placed there are loaded. The user can also add further widgets. The identifiers of these containers are:

  • "Ceres::Homepage"
  • "Ceres::Header"
  • "Ceres::Footer"

See below for further information about each area.


{% if config("Ceres.homepage.showShopBuilderContent") == "true" or request.get('isContentBuilder') == 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% for content in container("Ceres::Homepage") if content.plugin == "Plenty" %}
    {{ content.result | raw }}
{% endfor %}
{% if config("Ceres.homepage.showShopBuilderContent") == "true" or request.get('isContentBuilder') == 1 %}

    {% for content in container("Ceres::Homepage") if content.plugin == "Plenty" %}
        {{ content.result | raw }}
    {% endfor %}

{% endif %}
{% set headerContainer ="Ceres::Header") | trim %}
{% if headerContainer is not empty %}
    {{ headerContainer | raw }}
{% endif %}

How to inject header content (Ceres 5)

Wherever possible, you should always inject your own contents you want to add to the header in the node with the ID page-header-parent. That way, these injected contents are considered in the calculation of the height and positioning of other widgets in the header. Take a look at the example below, in which additional content is injected via insertAdjacentHTML:

            document.getElementById("page-header-parent").insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", '<div class="my-custom-header-element">This is a custom header element</div>');

Elements that are injected in this way are initially always displayed as fixed elements, that don't follow the user's scrolling behaviour. If the injected content should follow along with the scrolling behaviour, you need to add the class .unfixed to the element you are injecting.

{% set footerContainer ="Ceres::Footer") | trim %}
{{ footerContainer | raw }}

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