REST Order OrderItemDate

Provides find, create, update and delete for order item dates.

List dates of an order item

Lists the dates of an order item. The ID of the order item must be specified.



Field Type Description
orderItemId Int The order item ID of the order item date instance to be loaded

Success 200

Field Type Description
id Int The ID of the order date
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
createdAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was created
updatedAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was last updated

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Get a date of an order item by order item and date type

Gets a date of an order item. The ID of the order item and the ID of the date type must be specified.



Field Type Description
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item
typeId Int The ID of the order date type

Success 200

Field Type Description
id Int The ID of the order date
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
createdAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was created
updatedAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was last updated

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Create a date for an order item by order item and date type

Creates a date for an order item. The ID of the order item and the ID of the date type must be specified.



Field Type Description
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item
typeId Int The ID of the order date type


Field Type Description
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to optional required with typeId
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
optional required with orderItemId
date \Carbon The date plus hours, minutes and seconds. The date format must comply with the W3C standard. required

Success 200

Field Type Description
id Int The ID of the order date
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
createdAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was created
updatedAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was last updated

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Update a date of an order item by order item and date type

Updates the date of an order item. The ID of the order item and the ID of the date type must be specified.



Field Type Description
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item
typeId Int The ID of the order date type


Field Type Description
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to optional
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
date \Carbon The date plus hours, minutes and seconds. The date format must comply with the W3C standard. required

Success 200

Field Type Description
id Int The ID of the order date
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
createdAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was created
updatedAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was last updated

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Delete a date from an order item by order item and date type

Deletest a date from an order item. The ID of the order item and the ID of the date type must be specified.



Field Type Description
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item
typeId Int The ID of the order date

Success 200

This call does not have a response output.

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Get a date of an order item

Gets a date of an order item. The ID of the date must be specified.



Field Type Description
id Int The ID of the order item date

Success 200

Field Type Description
id Int The ID of the order date
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
createdAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was created
updatedAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was last updated

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Create a date for an order item

Creates a date for an order item. The ID of the order item must be specified



Field Type Description
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to optional required with typeId
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
optional required with orderItemId
date \Carbon The date plus hours, minutes and seconds. The date format must comply with the W3C standard. required

Success 200

Field Type Description
id Int The ID of the order date
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
createdAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was created
updatedAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was last updated

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Update a date of an order item

Updates a date of an order item. The ID of the date must be specified.



Field Type Description
id Int The ID of the order item date


Field Type Description
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to optional
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
date \Carbon The date plus hours, minutes and seconds. The date format must comply with the W3C standard. required

Success 200

Field Type Description
id Int The ID of the order date
orderItemId Int The ID of the order item that the date belongs to
typeId Int The ID of the date type. The following types are available:
  • Start date = 9
  • End date = 10
  • Estimated delivery date = 11
createdAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was created
updatedAt String|\Carbon The date when the date was last updated

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Delete a date from an order item

Deletes the date from an order item. The ID of the date must be specified.



Field Type Description
id Int The ID of the order item date

Success 200

This call does not have a response output.

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

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