Back end menu information

All information about the back end menu entries is saved in a ui.json file. This file defines the entry points for the plugin. Views are then available at the respective menus.

    "defaultEntryPoint" : "index.html",
    "namespace"         : "MyFirstView",
    "icon": "icon-plugin",
    "menuEntries"       : [
                              "label": "Hello World",
                              "menu": "start",
                              "urlKey": "hello-world",
                              "entryPoint": "index.html",
                              "icon": "icon-add"
Property Description
defaultEntryPoint The default entry point of your plugin
namespace The namespace of your plugin
menuEntries The menu entries of your plugin. The following information is saved for a menu entry:
  • label: The label to be displayed in the back end
  • menu: The menu that can be accessed by a plugin via entry points. Click here for a list of possible menu entry points.
  • urlKey: The route for the view in our plentymarkets back end, e.g.
    Note: For the URL key of the plugin, only use hyphens.
  • entryPoint: The entry point of your plugin
  • icon: The icon for your the menu entry in the system tree. If no icon is specified, the standard plugin icon is displayed. To not display any icon, use "icon": "none". Find a list of all icons here.