A basic shipping plugin

In this tutorial, we will develop a basic plugin to integrate a shipping service provider in plentymarkets. We are going to enable the user to register shipping orders using the well-known processes in the plentymarkets shipping centre and the plentymarkets Client.

Step 1: Creating the plugin files

Our plugin consists of plugin.json and the config.json. When interacting with an API, which will surely be necessary in most cases, you will also need the classes required for this communication.

    ├── src/
    │   ├── Controllers/
    │   │   └── ShippingTutorialController.php
    │   │
    │   └── Providers/
    │       └── ShippingTutorialServiceProvider.php
    ├── config.json // admin's plugin options
    ├── plugin.json // plugin information
    └── README.md // plugin's README file

Step 2: Filling the source files

We start by creating the plugin.json file. We will also need a config.json as well as a ServiceProvider. Create these files and copy the code examples.

Code for the plugin.json

      "name"                : "ShippingTutorial",
      "marketplaceName"     : {"en":"shipping plugin tutorial", "de":"Versandplugin-Tutorial"},
      "description"         : "A basic shipping plugin by plentymarkets",
      "namespace"           : "ShippingTutorial",
      "author"              : "plentymarkets GmbH",
      "type"                : "shipping",
      "serviceProvider"     : "ShippingTutorial\\Providers\\ShippingTutorialServiceProvider",
      "version"             : "0.1.0",
      "license"             : "AGPL-3.0",
      "pluginIcon"          : "icon_plugin_xs.png",
      "price"               : 0.00,
      "shortDescription"    : {"en": "A basic shipping plugin", "de": "Ein einfaches Versand-Plugin"},
      "keywords"            : ["plugin", "shipping", "tutorial"],
      "authorIcon"          : "icon_author_xs.png",
      "email"               : "sales@plentymarkets.com",
      "phone"               : "+49 561 98 681 100"

Code for the config.json

        "tab": "General",
        "key": "mode",
        "label": "Mode",
        "type": "dropdown",
        "possibleValues": {
            "0": "Test",
            "1": "Productive"
        "default": "0"
        "tab": "General",
        "key": "username",
        "label": "Username",
        "type": "text",
        "default": ""
        "tab": "General",
        "key": "password",
        "label": "Password",
        "type": "password",
        "default": ""
        "tab": "Sender",
        "key": "senderName",
        "label": "Name",
        "type": "text",
        "default": ""
        "tab": "Sender",
        "key": "senderStreet",
        "label": "Street",
        "type": "text",
        "default": ""
        "tab": "Sender",
        "key": "senderNo",
        "label": "No",
        "type": "text",
        "default": ""
        "tab": "Sender",
        "key": "senderPostalCode",
        "label": "Postal code",
        "type": "text",
        "default": ""
        "tab": "Sender",
        "key": "senderTown",
        "label": "Town",
        "type": "text",
        "default": ""
        "tab": "Sender",
        "key": "senderCountry",
        "label": "Country",
        "type": "dropdown",
        "possibleValues": {
            "0": "Germany",
            "1": "Austria"
        "default": "0"

Code for the ServiceProvider


namespace PluginShippingTutorial\Providers;

use Plenty\Modules\Order\Shipping\ServiceProvider\Services\ShippingServiceProviderService;
use Plenty\Plugin\ServiceProvider;

 * Class ShippingTutorialServiceProvider
 * @package PluginShippingTutorial\Providers
class ShippingTutorialServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

	 * Register the service provider.
	public function register()
	    // add REST routes by registering a RouteServiceProvider if necessary
//	     $this->getApplication()->register(ShippingTutorialRouteServiceProvider::class);

    public function boot(ShippingServiceProviderService $shippingServiceProviderService)

            ['de' => '*** Plenty shipping tutorial ***', 'en' => '*** Plenty shipping tutorial ***'],

Code for the ShippingController


namespace PluginShippingTutorial\Controllers;

use Plenty\Modules\Account\Address\Contracts\AddressRepositoryContract;
use Plenty\Modules\Account\Address\Models\Address;
use Plenty\Modules\Cloud\Storage\Models\StorageObject;
use Plenty\Modules\Order\Contracts\OrderRepositoryContract;
use Plenty\Modules\Order\Shipping\Contracts\ParcelServicePresetRepositoryContract;
use Plenty\Modules\Order\Shipping\Information\Contracts\ShippingInformationRepositoryContract;
use Plenty\Modules\Order\Shipping\Package\Contracts\OrderShippingPackageRepositoryContract;
use Plenty\Modules\Order\Shipping\PackageType\Contracts\ShippingPackageTypeRepositoryContract;
use Plenty\Modules\Order\Shipping\ParcelService\Models\ParcelServicePreset;
use Plenty\Modules\Plugin\Storage\Contracts\StorageRepositoryContract;
use Plenty\Plugin\Controller;
use Plenty\Plugin\Http\Request;
use Plenty\Plugin\ConfigRepository;

 * Class ShippingController
class ShippingController extends Controller

	 * @var Request
	private $request;

	 * @var OrderRepositoryContract $orderRepository
	private $orderRepository;

	 * @var AddressRepositoryContract $addressRepository
	private $addressRepository;

	 * @var OrderShippingPackageRepositoryContract $orderShippingPackage
	private $orderShippingPackage;

	 * @var ShippingInformationRepositoryContract
	private $shippingInformationRepositoryContract;

	 * @var StorageRepositoryContract $storageRepository
	private $storageRepository;

	 * @var ShippingPackageTypeRepositoryContract
	private $shippingPackageTypeRepositoryContract;

     * @var  array
    private $createOrderResult = [];

     * @var ConfigRepository
    private $config;

	 * ShipmentController constructor.
	 * @param Request $request
	 * @param OrderRepositoryContract $orderRepository
	 * @param AddressRepositoryContract $addressRepositoryContract
	 * @param OrderShippingPackageRepositoryContract $orderShippingPackage
	 * @param StorageRepositoryContract $storageRepository
	 * @param ShippingInformationRepositoryContract $shippingInformationRepositoryContract
	 * @param ShippingPackageTypeRepositoryContract $shippingPackageTypeRepositoryContract
     * @param ConfigRepository $config
	public function __construct(Request $request,
								OrderRepositoryContract $orderRepository,
								AddressRepositoryContract $addressRepositoryContract,
								OrderShippingPackageRepositoryContract $orderShippingPackage,
								StorageRepositoryContract $storageRepository,
								ShippingInformationRepositoryContract $shippingInformationRepositoryContract,
								ShippingPackageTypeRepositoryContract $shippingPackageTypeRepositoryContract,
                                ConfigRepository $config)
		$this->request = $request;
		$this->orderRepository = $orderRepository;
		$this->addressRepository = $addressRepositoryContract;
		$this->orderShippingPackage = $orderShippingPackage;
		$this->storageRepository = $storageRepository;

		$this->shippingInformationRepositoryContract = $shippingInformationRepositoryContract;
		$this->shippingPackageTypeRepositoryContract = $shippingPackageTypeRepositoryContract;

		$this->config = $config;

	 * Registers shipment(s)
	 * @param Request $request
	 * @param array $orderIds
	 * @return string
	public function registerShipments(Request $request, $orderIds)
		$orderIds = $this->getOrderIds($request, $orderIds);
		$orderIds = $this->getOpenOrderIds($orderIds);
		$shipmentDate = date('Y-m-d');

		foreach($orderIds as $orderId)
			$order = $this->orderRepository->findOrderById($orderId);

            // gathering required data for registering the shipment

            /** @var Address $address */
            $address = $order->deliveryAddress;

            $receiverFirstName     = $address->firstName;
            $receiverLastName      = $address->lastName;
            $receiverStreet        = $address->street;
            $receiverNo            = $address->houseNumber;
            $receiverPostalCode    = $address->postalCode;
            $receiverTown          = $address->town;
            $receiverCountry       = $address->country->name; // or: $address->country->isoCode2

            // reads sender data from plugin config. this is going to be changed in the future to retrieve data from backend ui settings
            $senderName           = $this->config->get('PluginShippingTutorial.senderName', 'plentymarkets GmbH - Timo Zenke');
            $senderStreet         = $this->config->get('PluginShippingTutorial.senderStreet', 'Bürgermeister-Brunner-Str.');
            $senderNo             = $this->config->get('PluginShippingTutorial.senderNo', '15');
            $senderPostalCode     = $this->config->get('PluginShippingTutorial.senderPostalCode', '34117');
            $senderTown           = $this->config->get('PluginShippingTutorial.senderTown', 'Kassel');
            $senderCountryID      = $this->config->get('PluginShippingTutorial.senderCountry', '0');
            $senderCountry        = ($senderCountryID == 0 ? 'Germany' : 'Austria');

            // gets order shipping packages from current order
            $packages = $this->orderShippingPackage->listOrderShippingPackages($order->id);

            // iterating through packages
            foreach($packages as $package)
                // weight
                $weight = $package->weight;

                // determine packageType
                $packageType = $this->shippingPackageTypeRepositoryContract->findShippingPackageTypeById($package->packageId);

                // package dimensions
                list($length, $width, $height) = $this->getPackageDimensions($packageType);

                    // check wether we are in test or productive mode, use different login or connection data
                    $mode = $this->config->get('PluginShippingTutorial.mode', '0');

                    // shipping service providers API should be used here
                    $response = [
                        'labelUrl' => 'https://developers.plentymarkets.com/layout/plugins/production/plentypluginshowcase/images/landingpage/why-plugin-2.svg',
                        'shipmentNumber' => '1111112222223333',
                        'sequenceNumber' => 1,
                        'status' => 'shipment successfully registered'

                    // handles the response
                    $shipmentItems = $this->handleAfterRegisterShipment($response['labelUrl'], $response['shipmentNumber'], $package->id);

                    // adds result
                    $this->createOrderResult[$orderId] = $this->buildResultArray(

                    // saves shipping information
                    $this->saveShippingInformation($orderId, $shipmentDate, $shipmentItems);

                catch(\SoapFault $soapFault)
                    // handle exception



		// return all results to service
		return $this->createOrderResult;

     * Cancels registered shipment(s)
     * @param Request $request
     * @param array $orderIds
     * @return array
    public function deleteShipments(Request $request, $orderIds)
        $orderIds = $this->getOrderIds($request, $orderIds);
        foreach ($orderIds as $orderId)
            $shippingInformation = $this->shippingInformationRepositoryContract->getShippingInformationByOrderId($orderId);

            if (isset($shippingInformation->additionalData) && is_array($shippingInformation->additionalData))
                foreach ($shippingInformation->additionalData as $additionalData)
                        $shipmentNumber = $additionalData['shipmentNumber'];

                        // use the shipping service provider's API here
                        $response = '';

                        $this->createOrderResult[$orderId] = $this->buildResultArray(

                    catch(\SoapFault $soapFault)
                        // exception handling


                // resets the shipping information of current order


        // return result array
        return $this->createOrderResult;

     * Retrieves the label file from a given URL and saves it in S3 storage
	 * @param $labelUrl
	 * @param $key
	 * @return StorageObject
	private function saveLabelToS3($labelUrl, $key)
		$ch = curl_init();

		// Set URL to download
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $labelUrl);

		// Include header in result? (0 = yes, 1 = no)
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

		// Should cURL return or print out the data? (true = return, false = print)
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

		// Timeout in seconds
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);

		// Download the given URL, and return output
		$output = curl_exec($ch);

		// Close the cURL resource, and free system resources
		return $this->storageRepository->uploadObject('PluginShippingTutorial', $key, $output);


	 * Returns the parcel service preset for the given Id.
	 * @param int $parcelServicePresetId
	 * @return ParcelServicePreset
	private function getParcelServicePreset($parcelServicePresetId)
		/** @var ParcelServicePresetRepositoryContract $parcelServicePresetRepository */
		$parcelServicePresetRepository = pluginApp(ParcelServicePresetRepositoryContract::class);

		$parcelServicePreset = $parcelServicePresetRepository->getPresetById($parcelServicePresetId);

			return $parcelServicePreset;
			return null;

     * Returns a formatted status message
	 * @param array $response
	 * @return string
	private function getStatusMessage($response)
		return 'Code: '.$response['status']; // should contain error code and descriptive part

     * Saves the shipping information
     * @param $orderId
     * @param $shipmentDate
     * @param $shipmentItems
	private function saveShippingInformation($orderId, $shipmentDate, $shipmentItems)
		$transactionIds = array();
		foreach ($shipmentItems as $shipmentItem)
			$transactionIds[] = $shipmentItem['shipmentNumber'];


        $shipmentAt = date(\DateTime::W3C, strtotime($shipmentDate));
        $registrationAt = date(\DateTime::W3C);

		$data = [
			'orderId' => $orderId,
			'transactionId' => implode(',', $transactionIds),
			'shippingServiceProvider' => 'PluginShippingTutorial',
			'shippingStatus' => 'registered',
			'shippingCosts' => 0.00,
			'additionalData' => $shipmentItems,
			'registrationAt' => $registrationAt,
			'shipmentAt' => $shipmentAt


     * Returns all order ids with shipping status 'open'
     * @param array $orderIds
     * @return array
	private function getOpenOrderIds($orderIds)

		$openOrderIds = array();
		foreach ($orderIds as $orderId)
			$shippingInformation = $this->shippingInformationRepositoryContract->getShippingInformationByOrderId($orderId);
			if ($shippingInformation->shippingStatus == null || $shippingInformation->shippingStatus == 'open')
				$openOrderIds[] = $orderId;
		return $openOrderIds;

     * Returns an array in the structure demanded by plenty service
	 * @param bool $success
	 * @param string $statusMessage
	 * @param bool $newShippingPackage
	 * @param array $shipmentItems
	 * @return array
	private function buildResultArray($success = false, $statusMessage = '', $newShippingPackage = false, $shipmentItems = [])
		return [
			'success' => $success,
			'message' => $statusMessage,
			'newPackagenumber' => $newShippingPackage,
			'packages' => $shipmentItems,

     * Returns shipment array
	 * @param string $labelUrl
	 * @param string $shipmentNumber
	 * @return array
	private function buildShipmentItems($labelUrl, $shipmentNumber)
		return  [
			'labelUrl' => $labelUrl,
			'shipmentNumber' => $shipmentNumber,

     * Returns package info
	 * @param string $packageNumber
	 * @param string $labelUrl
	 * @return array
	private function buildPackageInfo($packageNumber, $labelUrl)
		return [
			'packageNumber' => $packageNumber,
			'label' => $labelUrl

     * Returns all order ids from request object
	 * @param Request $request
	 * @param $orderIds
	 * @return array
	private function getOrderIds(Request $request, $orderIds)
		if (is_numeric($orderIds))
			$orderIds = array($orderIds);
		else if (!is_array($orderIds))
			$orderIds = $request->get('orderIds');
		return $orderIds;

     * Returns the package dimensions by package type
	 * @param $packageType
	 * @return array
	private function getPackageDimensions($packageType): array
		if ($packageType->length > 0 && $packageType->width > 0 && $packageType->height > 0)
			$length = $packageType->length;
			$width = $packageType->width;
			$height = $packageType->height;
			$length = null;
			$width = null;
			$height = null;
		return array($length, $width, $height);

     * Handling of response values, fires S3 storage and updates order shipping package
	 * @param string $labelUrl
     * @param string $shipmentNumber
     * @param string $sequenceNumber
	 * @return array
	private function handleAfterRegisterShipment($labelUrl, $shipmentNumber, $sequenceNumber)
		$shipmentItems = array();
		$storageObject = $this->saveLabelToS3(
			$shipmentNumber . '.pdf');

		$shipmentItems[] = $this->buildShipmentItems(

		return $shipmentItems;

Testing what we have just created

After creating the plugin and configuring the settings in the configuration, we have to add our new plugin to the plentymarkets inbox.

  1. Go to Plugins » Plugin overview.
  2. In the list of plugins, click on PluginShippingTutorial.
    → The plugin config file will open.
  3. Enter the values for the mode and the login data for an API in the General tab.
  4. Enter the sender's address data in the second tab Sender.
  5. Save the settings.

And finally, we deploy the plugin in a plugin set. Our shipping service provider Plenty Shipping tutorial will be available both in the drop-down menu of the shipping service providers in the plentymarkets shipping centre and in the procedure Shipping centre in the plentymarkets Client. Now we can register a shipping order using our newly added plugin code. Additional information such as shipment numbers are saved in the Order Shipping Package; the shipping status is saved in the Shipping Information. Both are related to the order.

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