REST Order Status

Order Status

Get an order status.

Gets an order status, which is specified by the given ID.



Field Type Description
statusId Float The ID of the order status.

Success 200

Field Type Description
statusId Float The ID of the status.
isErasable Bool Flag that indicates whether the status is erasable or not.
createdAt String|\Carbon The date, when the status was created.
updatedAt String|\Carbon The date, when the status was updated.
isFrontendVisible Bool Indicates visibility in frontend.
color String The color of the status.

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Searches order statuses.

Searches for a list of order statuses, specified by the given filter parameters.



Field Type Description
statusIdFrom Float Filter that restricts the search for order statuses to IDs from a defined value.
statusIdTo Float Filter that restricts the search for order statuses to IDs to a defined value.

Success 200

Field Type Description
page Int Current page of the response
totalsCount Int The total number of entries in the response
isLastPage Bool Flag that indicates if the page shown is the last page of the response
lastPageNumber Int The last page number
firstOnPage Int The index of the first item of the current page result
lastOnPage Int The index of the last item of the current page result
itemsPerPage Int The requested amount of items per result page
entries OrderStatus[] List of OrderStatus
 statusId Float The ID of the status.
 isErasable Bool Flag that indicates whether the status is erasable or not.
 createdAt String|\Carbon The date, when the status was created.
 updatedAt String|\Carbon The date, when the status was updated.
 isFrontendVisible Bool Indicates visibility in frontend.
 color String The color of the status.

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Creates an order status.

Creates an order status, which is specified by the given ID.



Field Type Description
statusId Float The ID of the status. required
names \Collection The names of the order status. required array
color String The color of the status. required
isFrontendVisible Bool Indicates visibility in frontend. required

Success 200

Field Type Description
statusId Float The ID of the status.
isErasable Bool Flag that indicates whether the status is erasable or not.
createdAt String|\Carbon The date, when the status was created.
updatedAt String|\Carbon The date, when the status was updated.
isFrontendVisible Bool Indicates visibility in frontend.
color String The color of the status.

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Update an order status.

Updates an order status, which is specified by the given ID.



Field Type Description
statusId Float The ID of the status, which shall be updated.


Field Type Description
names \Collection The names of the order status. optional array
color String The color of the status.
isFrontendVisible Bool Indicates visibility in frontend.

Success 200

Field Type Description
statusId Float The ID of the status.
isErasable Bool Flag that indicates whether the status is erasable or not.
createdAt String|\Carbon The date, when the status was created.
updatedAt String|\Carbon The date, when the status was updated.
isFrontendVisible Bool Indicates visibility in frontend.
color String The color of the status.

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Delete an order status.

Deletes an order status, which is specified by the given ID.



Field Type Description
statusId Float The ID of the status, which shall be deleted.

Success 200

This call does not have a response output.

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.


Success 200

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

Changes various properties for a status


Success 200

This call does not have a response output.

Errors 4xx

Code Exception Description
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\AccessDeniedException The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
401 League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\InvalidRequestException The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the "access token" parameter.

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